Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ever Since- Triloet Verse

Years ago we met and he doesn't know
          That I have loved him ever since
He looks at me and he takes a bow
Years ago we met and he doesn't know
With each day my love for him grows 
         I'm a princess and but he isn't a prince
Years ago we met and he doesn't know
         That I have loved him ever since.

The Triolet ("triplet") is a French verse form,that consists of eight lines, with two rhymes and two repeating lines. The opening line repeats itself in the fourth and seventh lines, while the second and eighth lines repeat.


  1. This is a perfect triolet.......I see on the left where you say "I believe love can conquer the world". I do too and it can definitely conquer the distance between a princess and one who is not a prince. (I am such a romantic.) Loved your poem!

    1. It always feels so nice to hear from you Sherry :) Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I have no doubts on you being romantic... ;)

  2. I like this tale of the princess...a bit sad...nice lines Ankita :)

  3. Nice use of the triolet form! Hopefully one day no princess will mind that the man she loves is not a prince.


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