Monday, July 14, 2014

An Impossible Place

A place where I am the princess 
And fairies are my friend 
Animals can talk and trees can walk
Where I glide through sunlit sky 
And walk on the snow white clouds
Where I can read all day long 
And eat whatever I want 
And not worry about weight
Where everything is possible 
'Cause I have the magic wand
A place that always existed
And will always be around
I just have to close my eyes
And the world is all mine... :)
Written for Poetry Jam


  1. Sounds like a perfect place to me too!

  2. "And eat whatever I want
    And not worry about weight"...I definitely want to be there... :D

  3. If I ever found that place, make sure I would never leave! I particularly like the last two lines. Nicely written, Ankita!

  4. "Where I can read all day long
    And eat whatever I want
    And not worry about weight" - this is just my kind of place, Ankita!

  5. This kind of place would be way over-populated because everyone would want to be there! Thanks for posting this. Sorry to be so late in getting around to reading it!

  6. I love this place. Here's a secret: once you're as old as me, it all comes true, hee hee!


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