Friday, July 25, 2014

Thousand feelings - Villanelle Verse

Thousand feelings with you and without you
But words aren't enough to convey
Do you feel the same way as I do?

I move into a world that I never knew
With music in my head, my heart sways
Thousand feelings with you and without you

What can I do, what can I say to you?
When I go blank with you on the way
Do you feel the same way as I do?

And I only hope you feel the same too
Just when I think I've words, they stray
Thousand feelings with you and without you

Feelings so many yet words so few
What have you done to chase them away?
Do you feel the same way as I do?

I love you, yes I do -
One thing that I know for sure today
Thousand feelings with you and without you
Do you feel the same way as I do?

A Villanelle is a nineteen-line poem consisting of rhyming scheme: aba aba aba aba aba abaa. The first and the third lines in the first stanza are repeated in alternating order throughout the poem, and appear together in the last couplet.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ever Since- Triloet Verse

Years ago we met and he doesn't know
          That I have loved him ever since
He looks at me and he takes a bow
Years ago we met and he doesn't know
With each day my love for him grows 
         I'm a princess and but he isn't a prince
Years ago we met and he doesn't know
         That I have loved him ever since.

The Triolet ("triplet") is a French verse form,that consists of eight lines, with two rhymes and two repeating lines. The opening line repeats itself in the fourth and seventh lines, while the second and eighth lines repeat.

Monday, July 14, 2014

An Impossible Place

A place where I am the princess 
And fairies are my friend 
Animals can talk and trees can walk
Where I glide through sunlit sky 
And walk on the snow white clouds
Where I can read all day long 
And eat whatever I want 
And not worry about weight
Where everything is possible 
'Cause I have the magic wand
A place that always existed
And will always be around
I just have to close my eyes
And the world is all mine... :)
Written for Poetry Jam