Friday, October 30, 2015

One More Time!

There is beauty in failure
Every time you fail
You fail better
And there is a motivation 
To try a little harder
But when it tests your patience 
And you feel like giving up
Try a little harder one more time
There is nothing to lose
But only to learn something new one more time!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The First "Fall" - Pittsburgh!

The days are getting darker
And the wind is cold and dry
The leaves have started to fall
And the lovely fall colors are everywhere

The colors remind me of home
And the festivals that I won't see this year
But I will witness some new one's 
And learn something more this beautiful fall

Beneath the bright colored leaves
As the earth is getting ready to fall asleep
My roots go deeper in search of answers
To make me more wiser as another fall passes by!