Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Brighter, Better New Year!

Another year has passed
With love and laughter
Some milestone achieved
And some yet to encounter

With mix emotions
We all celebrate new year
Opening the new book with joy
And closing the old one with sigh

As we approach the threshold
Of another lovely year
Oh! I wish it will be happier
And I wish you my dear
Oh happy, happy bright new year!!

Puzzling Life

Life is a puzzle
We’re trying to solve
 Answer to one
Leaves a question for the next
That’s life
You never know
You’re never sure
Here you are
just trying to survive…

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

It's Christmas Time!

Amidst the white winter
And falling snow flakes
When everyone is sound asleep
Santa Claus silently rides his sleigh
Through snow covered lands and frozen lakes
Ah! It is sweet Christmas time

Stockings are hung across chimneys
And desires crawl in all hearts
Children are tucked in bed
With dreams of gifts
And chocolate pies lingering around
Ah! It is sweet Christmas time

Beribboned Christmas trees stand proudly
Amidst the beautifully wrapped gifts
Sound of carols and bells echo in the air
Celebrations give a springtime feeling
In the middle of withered winter
Ah! It is sweet Christmas time

Let the smile and joy spread
As the snowflakes fall
The night is sparkling with cheers and laughter
Don't you let it go
Ah! It is sweet Christmas time
And I wish you and yours, a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Knowing how to talk
And still choosing not to speak

Knowing how to walk
And still not traveling wrong lanes

Knowing how to shout
And still choosing to be peaceful

Knowing how to cheat
And still choosing to be honest

Knowing how to hurt
And still choosing to love

Knowing how to be rude
And still choosing to be kind

Knowing everything, yet knowing nothing
Is what makes you wise..

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Enchanted To Meet You

There I was strolling at night
Wandering as a lonely tide
Faking greetings, forcing smiles
When you made your way through crowd

Silence filled my empty head
And people chattering disappeared
All I saw was you and me
Talking, laughing in secrecy

Your presence made me smile
And all I did was look in your eyes
To find answer to my many questions
That I shall never dare ask

We sat there for long and talked
And then I had to leave for night
You offered to walk me home
And I was wonder struck to hear

Moon was shining so bright
And my heart was full of delight
Everything seemed so perfect that night
As if you and I were meant to meet

And today all I wonder if you ever knew
That I was enchanted to meet you
That I never wanted that evening to end
That you and I were meant to be…